Discover the Benefits and Secrets of Today’s Breathtaking Illumination
In today’s world of enhanced home aesthetics and smart functionality, asking, “Do I need lighting design?” is a little like asking if your home needs plumbing and insulation. Today, it’s defined as a core feature, one that homes can’t do without.
Why? Isn’t light simply an element that lets us see in the dark and maintain a 24/7 lifestyle?
At one point, the answer to that question would have been a resounding yes, particularly if you asked about it in the 19th century. As technology advanced, it became one of the primary design elements. As the famous designer Ingo Maurer said, “Lighting is not just about illumination; it’s about how we feel in a space.”
Lighting sets the mood and affects our very being. Natural lighting can even enhance the health of those it touches. Here, we’ll explore the nature of lighting design and why more people than ever are embracing its beauty and well-being.